We are seeking feedback from primary producers, ag business professionals, and mental health professionals working in agriculture to better understand the barriers to farm transition.

These findings reflect the real challenges and opportunities faced by farmers and producers today. Read our study and survey results for valuable insights right from Alberta farms.
This program connects farmers, their families, farm employees, veterinarians, and registered veterinary technicians with a network of ag-informed practitioners across Alberta. For details on session costs, contact the service providers directly.
Alberta farm family
survey results
An informal survey with the goal of gathering insights to shape the development of mental health initiatives tailored to the needs of the Alberta ag community conducted by AgKnow.
It highlighted the mental health challenges faced by Alberta farmers, emphasizing the higher rates of depression, anxiety, and stress in the ag community, and included recommendations for the creation of an Alberta-specific farm mental health network.
Canadian Farmers, This study Needs your input!
The University of Alberta in collaboration with researchers from the University of Guelph, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, and the Canadian Center for Agricultural Wellbeing (CCAW) are conducting a study called ‘investigating farmer identities and their relationship to help-seeking and mental health.’
They are looking for input from farmers across Canada. Download the flyer for more information.
Featured Publications
We are compiling a growing list of the latest Canadian and international research on farm mental health.
Purc-Stephenson et al. BMC Psychology (2024) 12:435
Purc-Stephenson, R.; Roy, N.; Chimaobi, A.; Hood, D. An Evidence-Based Guide for Delivering Mental Healthcare Services in Farming Communities: A Qualitative Study of Providers’ Perspectives. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2024, 21, 791. ijerph21060791
Purc-Stephenson, R. & Roy, N. (2023). Supporting farmer mental health: Environmental scan and resource map of mental health support services across rural Alberta. University of Alberta.
Liang, Y., Janssen, B., Casteel, C., Nonnenmann, M., & Rohlman, D. S. (2022). Agricultural cooperatives in mental health: Farmers’ perspectives on potential influence. Journal of Agromedicine, 27(2), 143-153.
Conway, S. F., Farrell, M., McDonagh, J., & Kinsella, A. (2022). ‘Farmers Don’t Retire’: Re-Evaluating How We Engage with and Understand the ‘Older Farmer’s Perspective. Sustainability, 14(5), 1-11.
Brennan, M., Hennessy, T., Meredith, D., & Dillon, E. (2022). Weather, workload and money: Determining and evaluating sources of stress for farmers in Ireland. Journal of Agromedicine, 27(2), 132-142.
Hagen, B. N. M., Sawatzky, A., Harper, S. L., O’Sullivan, T. L., & Jones-Bitton, A. (2021). What Impacts Perceived Stress among Canadian Farmers? A Mixed-Methods Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7366.
Conway, S. F., McDonagh, J., Farrell, M., & Kinsella, A. (2021). Going against the grain: Unraveling the habitus of older farmers to help facilitate generational renewal in agriculture. Sociologia Ruralis, 61(3), 602-622.
Hagen, B. N. M., Sawatzky, A., Harper, S. L., O’Sullivan, T. L., & Jones-Bitton, A. (2021). “Farmers Aren’t into the Emotions and Things, Right?”: A Qualitative Exploration of Motivations and Barriers for Mental Health Help-Seeking among Canadian Farmers. Journal of Agromedicine, 1-11.
Unay-Gailhard, İ., & Bojnec, Š. (2021). Gender and the environmental concerns of young farmers: Do young women farmers make a difference on family farms?. Journal of Rural Studies, 88, 71-82.
Gunn, K. M., Turnbull, D. A., Dollman, J., Kettler, L., Bamford, L., & Vincent, A. D. (2021). Why are some drought affected farmers less distressed than others? The association between stress, psychological distress, acceptance, behavioural disengagement and neuroticism. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29(1), 106-116.
Bondy, M., & Cole, D. C. (2020). Striving for Balance and Resilience: Ontario Farmers’ Perceptions of Mental Health. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 39(1), 101-118.
Cole, D. C., & Bondy, M. C. (2020). Meeting farmers where they are–rural clinicians’ views on farmers’ mental health. Journal of Agromedicine, 25(1), 126-134.
Hagen, B. N., Winder, C. B., Wootten, J., McMullen, C. K., & Jones-Bitton, A. (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of depression among farming populations worldwide. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24), 9376.
Heo, W., Lee, J. M., & Park, N. (2020). Financial-related psychological factors affect life satisfaction of farmers. Journal of Rural Studies, 80, 185-194.
Jones-Bitton, A., Hagen, B., Fleming, S. J., & Hoy, S. (2019). Farmer burnout in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24), 5074.
Bondy, M., & Cole, D. C. (2019). Change as a double-edged sword: Ecological farmers’ stressors and responses to changes in farming in Grey County, Ontario. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 14(4).
Truchot, D., & Andela, M. (2018). Burnout and hopelessness among farmers: the Farmers Stressors Inventory. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 53(8), 859-867.

Participate in Our Research Studies
Real people, real challenges and real opportunities. We invite farmers, producers and anyone with lived experience to participate in our current studies. We are currently in between research projects, so please subscribe to our newsletter to be notified about upcoming studies.

Canadian Researcher Profiles