RESOURCES & Downloads
Erica ranches with her husband near Marwayne, Alberta, has more than 20 certifications in the health and wellness fields and is currently working on her Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology.
She is proud to collaborate with AgKnow.
When Ed Lange created a farming cooperative with family and neighbours two decades ago, facilitating each other’s needs for labour and equipment was only part of their motivation.
Read our full interview with Therapist Network member, Amy Monea is a Counselling Therapist based in Carstairs, AB.
Many farmers tend to leave their mental health symptoms untreated. In fact, a study showed that nearly 40% of farmers indicated that they would be unlikely to seek help for their mental health. So what happens? Just like their physical health symptoms, some farmers may ignore their symptoms while others try to ‘tough it out’ and hope that things will just get better on their own.
Read our full interview with Therapist Network Member, Shelby Loomis. Shelby is a Registered Psychologist based in Edmonton, Alberta.

Farm Mental Health Resources
A tip sheet on the do’s and don’ts when it comes to listening to farmers.
A resource with ways to start conversations around mental health with farmers.
A resource walking through how to initiate the conversation around mental health with farmers.
A resource for farmers struggling through Avian Influenza.
A resource walking through how to really listen to someone.
A resource with tips on how to ask farmers how they’re doing.
A resource with ways to start conversations around mental health with farmers.