Latest news & Updates
Reducing Barriers and Expanding Services
It seems like FOREVER since I have written a blog post to update anyone on the activity and engagements happening here at the Alberta Farm Mental Health Network, aka AgKnow. There was so much to do since our funding was approved, and then finally received in November.
Introducing AgKnow
As you may know, in May of 2022, the Alberta Farm Mental Health Network met with Minister Horner and presented their whitepaper outlining findings and recommendations for a made-in-Alberta approach to farm mental health.
Our White Paper is available
This report presents our recommendations to the Government of Alberta for developing a made-for-Alberta approach for farm mental health and provides direction for the work The Network is committed to doing.
Alberta Response to Farm Mental Health Capacity
The Alberta Farm Mental Health Network (Network) continues to push forward and explore the rural landscape of mental health supports. Since our last update we have met with over 25 different associations, government programs, private mental health practitioners, researchers, media and even some farmers.