Rooted in the Farm: Providing Culturally Sensitive Health Care to Agriculture Producers (Farmers)
Join us and Dr. Michelle Pavloff Network and Research Chair of Rural Health at Saskatchewan Polytechnic and founder and lead researcher for the SaskAgMatters Network, for a one hour webinar to explore her research on the unique needs and culture of farmers as they pertain to health care provision.
At AgKnow, we are working to increase the resiliency of farming communities by destigmatizing mental health and reducing barriers to services. It is our goal to create better connections between farmers their families and the health care and mental health professionals that support them.
This webinar would be most useful to health care and mental health professionals working with rural farm clients in western Canada.
In the Know Virtual Workshop
AgKnow has partnered with AgSafe Alberta to host an In the Know workshop, a virtual mental health literacy course. In the Know is designed to help you learn about mental health and illness, promote well-being in your life, how to recognize when someone is struggling, and how to respond.
Past Agknow Events
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agknow EVENT!
AgKnow events include webinars and workshops, which can be conducted virtually or in-person at your organization or within your community. Our farm-specific content is designed to be relevant to Ag companies and mental health therapists seeking a deeper understanding of farm mental health, resilience, and suicide prevention in agriculture.
Currently, we have four events to choose from:
Farm Mental Health 101
Resilience and Stress Management
Intro to Suicide Prevention for Ag
Building Suicide Safer Ag Communities